Freitag, 19. Oktober 2012

Trying to get: Back on the horse

Hello Gorgeous 
(Please scroll down for English version!)

Tut mir leid, dass ich schon seit Ewigkeiten nichts mehr gepostet habe. Dadurch dass ich angefangen habe zu arbeiten um ein wenig extra Taschengeld zu verdienen, hatte ich plötzlich so viel um die Ohren und dabei ist der Blog etwas in Vergessenheit geraten. Aaaber ich habe tolle Freunde die mich immer mal wieder erinnern, dass es den Blog noch gibt. Vermutlich interessiert es außer den paar Menschen auch sonst niemanden besonders ob irgendwas hochgeladen wird oder nicht, aber ich dachte schaden tuts niemandem dann kann ich doch auch immer mal wieder etwas hochladen ;)

Dass ich heute auf deutsch schreibe liegt daran, dass es deutlich schneller geht (wobei ich das Ganze wahrscheinlich noch übersetzen werde, falls sich doch mal ein englischsprachiger Leser auf den Blog verirrt ;)). Was haltet ihr davon den Blog 2 sprachig zu gestalten? Gibt es Mädels unter euch denen ein deutscher Blog lieber wäre? Habt ihr Vorschläge für mich?

Ich hab mir überlegt als Wiedereinstieg ein Tag zu machen.

Sicher  kennt ihr alle den "Nailpolish Obsession Tag" der in letzter Zeit die Runde gemacht hat und ich dachte mir da könnte ich mich anschließen :)

aaaalso, lets get started..

1. Was ist deine Lieblings-Nagellackmarke? Zurzeit würde ich OPI sagen, da ich über Keiderkreisel und Ebay ein paar neue Schätze erworben habe. Jedoch finde ich auch die Butter London Lacke wirklich toll, nur schade dass sie so teuer sind!

2. Glitzer - ja oder nein? Die oben genannten Schätze sind Glitzerlacke, da Glitzerlacke für mich irgendwie festlich sind und das passt meiner Meinung nach besonders gut zu Weihnachten und eher der kalten Jahreszeit. Jedoch bin ich grundsätzlich eher nicht so ein Glitzerfan, abgesehen von einem hervorgehobenen Nagel.

3. OPI, China Glaze oder Essie? Ich würde sagen OPI und Essie ziehen hier gleich. Ich liiiebe die Namen von OPI und kann allein deshalb nicht genug davon bekommen, da sie aber in Deutschland extrem teuer sind und mehr als doppelt so viel kosten wie die Essie Lacke, zieht Essie mehr und mehr meine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ;)

4. Wann lackierst du Dir die Nägel? Das kommt immer ganz drauf an wann ich Zeit habe, aber meistens abends während einem guten Film. Deshalb bleib ich auch oft länger wach als ich eigentlich geplant hatte, weil mit noch nicht getrocknetem Nagellack ins Bett ist sehr unklug ;) Allgemein würde ich sagen ich lackier meine Nägel ca. 1 bis 2 mal die Woche neu und dann meistens abends!

5. Welche Farbe trägst Du am liebsten auf deinen Nägeln? Guuute Frage! Ich wechsle so oft die Farbe dass ich eigentlich nicht wirklich eine hervorheben kann.. Wenn ich es mir recht überlege würde ich wahrscheinlich pink sagen, das sieht sowohl zu heller als auch zu gebräunter Haut meistens vorteilhaft aus ;)

6. Dunkle, gedeckte Farben oder lieber helle, leuchtende? Schätze Das mach ich meistens vom Outfit oder von meiner Stimmungslage abhängig aber grundsätzlich eher gedeckt im Herbst und Winter und leuchtende Farben eher in Richtung Sommer.

7. Was trägst Du momentan auf den Nägeln? Um ehrlich zu sein überhaupt nichts, weder an den Fingern noch an den Zehen. Konnte mich noch nicht entscheiden welche Farbe die nächste sein soll ;)

8. Matte Nägel -Top oder Flop? Als der ganze matter Nagellack Hype anfing hab ich es bei mir ausprobiert, war aber nie wirklich davon überzeugt und finde auch hier weniger ist mehr. Mal ein Design mit matten French Tips oder etwas in die Richtung ok, aber sonst für mich persönlich eher Flop!

9. French manicure? Immer eine gute Wahl, auch wenn ich persönlich schon ewig keine French Mani mehr getragen habe. Es sieht immer sehr gepflegt aus und passt zu wirklich  jedem Outfit. 

10. Lieblingsfarben für die kommende Jahreszeit? Wie vorhin schon angedeutet mag ich eher gedeckte Farben in diese Jahreszeit. "LA Moss" von Butter London gefällt mir sehr gut und auch "Rising Star" von OPI (Swatches folgen!) wird wohl einer meiner Lieblingslacke in diesem Herbst und Winter :) 

Das wars dann auch schon wieder - ich hoffe der Wiedereinstieg ist mir gelungen und ich habe euch nicht zu Tode gelangweilt ;)


So now lets move on to the English translation!

Sorry for not posting anything for the last couple of weeks/months. Since I began to work in September there was so much going on and I just wasn't able to keep up with the blogging and posting stuff for you guys. Buuuuut thanks to my awesome friends who remind me from time to time that there is a blog waiting to be updated. Although I'm pretty sure that apart from these few people nobody really cares whether there are new posts or not I decided that it would do no harm if I would upload something new ;)

I decided to write this entry in German for the simple reason that it doesn't take me as long as writing it in English (but I'm pretty sure I'll traslate this post in English as well just in case some English-speaking person might stumble across this nice little blog ... guess what - you are reading this translation in this very moment ;)) 
What are your thoughts on a bilingual blog? Would you welcome that this blog will have entries in English in the future? Do you have any suggestions?

I wasn't quiet sure how to start again at length and so I decided that a TAG would make a good fresh start ;) I'm sure all of you are familiar with the "Nailpolish Obsession Tag" which was all over the place some time ago and thought it would be nice to join this trend :)

soooo, lets get started..

1. What's your favourite nail polish company? At the moment I would say OPI just because I recently ordered some new treasures via Ebay and a German website named "Kleiderkreisel". But I also like Butter London because of their awesome colors. If they wouldn't be that pricey I would like them even more!

2. Glitter or no glitter? The "treasures" I just talked about are glitter nailpolishes and I think they appear very festive which is perfect for the upcoming season. But althought I would say that usually I'm not that much in to glitter apart from making one nail stand out.
3. OPI, China Glaze or Essie? I would say it's a tie between OPI and Essie. I simply loooove the funny names of the OPI ones but I also like the quality and the variety of colors. The one thing I can say against OPI is the fact that their polishes are quiet expensive in Germany. The fact that you can buy 2 Essie polishes for the price of only one OPI one caught my eye and I began to be more and more attracted to the Essie ones and regarding the quality they draw even.

4. When do you change your nailpolish? That definitely depends on my schedule but for me watching a movie and painting my nails in addition is the perfect evening program. Often that's the reason why I go to bed later than I should because going to bed with not completely dry nails wouldn't be that clever ;) To answer every aspect of this 4th question I would add that I re-paint my nails 2 to 3 times a week (several more when I'm bored ;))

5. What's your favourite colour on your nails? Gooood one! I often switch up the colors I'm wearing and it always depends on what outfit I'm planning to wear and it's definitely hard to pick a specific one.. If I really had to decide on only one color I would go with pink because it works for bronzed but also for brighter skintones as well ;)

6. Darks or brights? Like I just said it depends on what I'm wearing and what mood I'm in. As a general rule for winter and fall I would go with more darks while during spring and summer I love bright colors. Right now I'm in love with pastels and if you think that's boring you can always add a pop of glitter or a slightly darker shade on one particular nail to make it more interesting and unique.

7. What are you wearing on your nails at this very moment? To be honest - nothing! Neither on my fingers nor on my toas. Just wasn't able to decide on a color yet ;)

8. Matte nails - in or out? When the whole "matte nail" hype began I tried it myself but I never quite got the hang of it and I think I would apply the saying "less is more" on this topic. A design with matte French Tips or something like that is totally fine but despite that I would say out for me!

9, French manicure? Always a wise choice even though I haven't worn it on my own nails in ages! It always appears very neatly and goes well with every outfit.

10. Favourite colour for upcoming season? Like I said before I really like darker colors for this season. Colors as "LA Moss" by Butter London as well as "Rising Star" by OPI will be my favourite ones this fall and winter :)

 That's all I had to say - I hope this can be seen as a successful "fresh start" and I didn't bore you to death ;)

Bye for now,

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012

Mail Blog!

Hello Gorgeous 
Last week I purchased some new nail products and they finally arrived *yeeeea*
I already had a dotting tool from Essence but only one size so I decided to buy a set of 5 dotting tools. Now I have like 10 different sizes and that will make new nail design sooo much easier! 
Besides that the handels are so cute and each one has a different color - definitely a huge bonus ;)
Bought these via (here) and I would really recommend these because I think you really don't need to buy expensive ones to achieve good results! These are totally fine and they are really affordable.

I bet you'll see me use them quite often in the upcoming posts ;) 
Moving on to the second package..
Besides the dotting tools I also ordered some microbeads and a stamping plate from this german website. You have to take a look whether they ship to your country.
So here are further acquisitions ;)
Although I really like the colors (they don't show up that well on this picture) I was disappointed with the amount. I haven't tried them out but it seems as if I can only achieve 3 or 4 carviar nails with each color :(
The stamping plate was quite expensive (since I'm sure I'll only use 4 or 5 motives of it :D)
But I once saw such a pretty nail design with a white feather on top of a teal nail so I had to buy it!

Hope you enjoyed this kind of post! What do you think about the things I bought? Do you like them? Do you have any suggestions for the next post?
Make sure you subscribe so you'll never miss a post!
Bye for now,

Sonntag, 8. Juli 2012

If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere. ~Van Gogh

Hello Gorgeous 
For my part I found the beauty right in front of myself - on my balcony ;)
When I saw this flower I thought it would be nice to make it a nail design. 

But since nature is too perfect to reproduce it (everybody should know that!) I used the wonderful colors of this hibiscus as an inspiration for the following nails :)
I used the nail art glitter I mentioned in "PiNKy promise" which I was given as a gift from a few  friends of mine.

So here are the "nature inspired" nails..
While I took the pictures I noticed that maybe this pink lollipop was also inspired by the beauty of nature (or my nails were inspired by french candyyyyyy *yeaa* :D)
Liked this post? Then why not leave a comment or share it to your friends? (In case you didn't notice - you can now react to my posts by just one little click!)
Would love to see you again soon, here on judy's beauty.. :)
Bye for now,

Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

International Kissing Day

Hello Gorgeous 

Today is the international kissing day and I thought why not make a suitable nail design?
I used "Sweets For My Sweets" by Catrice as base color and with a nail art dotting tool I drew little kisses on my nails. For this I picked Artdeco's Ceramic Nail Lacquer in the color 527.
On my index finger I decided to make something else so I took the Essence nail art pen "02 cool black" to write Love on it.

As always I topped it off with the Lumos High Speed TOP Coat to make it shiny and long-lasting.

 So here are the pictures of the "nails to kiss" ;)

Leave a comment below to let me know what you think about the nails! :)

Hope you all have a great day (and maybe the chance to kiss somebody ;) )
If you try out this nail design make sure to link a picture in the comment section. I would love to see your version of it! :)

Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you'll stop by again soon ;)
Bye for now,

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012

PiNKy promise ;)

Hello Gorgeous 
How are you doing? Wishing all of you a nice 4th of July :) Since so many bloggers did "stars and stripes" today I decided to do something else and step out of line (sooooorry but just so you know, I love America even without blue/red/white nails!). 
When I was in Paris from 24th to 27th of June I bought a new nailpolish from Maybelline (it was just about 3,70$ so I had(!!) to buy it :D).

Nothing special but I really liked this color - I know I'm a gurly guuuuuurl :D

As a base coat I also used a polish from Maybelline, called express manicure. First I didn't like it that much because it was very sticky. Although in the end it turned out quite well.
But let's have a look at it...

I topped it off with some High Speed TOP Coat by Lumos. I really like this top coat because it really quickens the drying process no matter how many layers you've put on. 

Maybe(lline ;)) I'll upload another nail post this evening because I got some nail glitter for my birthday and really want to try it out :)

So enjoooy your day! Stop by from time to time to see what's new :)

Bye for now,

Bare Nails

Hello Gorgeous
Some time ago a good friend of mine suggested that I should start a nail blog because I paint my nails one way or the other, so why not just post them on a website for others to see?!
Because I just finished school a few months ago I really gave thought to this idea - and it seems like I went for it,right? :D
First of all I want to make clear that I'm not in the least a professional or some such. I'm just a girl from Germany that has nothing else to do (and needed something to kill time). Furthermore I thought that there might be someone out there who could be interested in these naildesigns ;)

Some facts about me - I just turned 19 two days ago, wrote my final exams, graduated from "high school" and live in Germany.
At the moment I'm not sure what the next months will bring besides that I'm looking for a job in order to earn some money and maybe to be able to bankroll some time in the USA as an Au-Pair.

I thought it would be nice to show you my bare nails at the beginning and so here they are..
(I'm really not used to see my nails without anything on them!!! :D)

Actually, I wear the nail polish to hide how grubby my nails are.
Caroline Corr

I haven't quite decided on whether to do a blog only about nails or to include other beauty products such as eyeshadow and other makeup stuff (since this is called "judy's beauty" I guess I'll add other beauty related posts throughout this blog :D).

So I hope you guys will like it and stop by from time to time.
Bye for now, 
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